
- Find a charity
- 美国节点的加速器app
- Prepare and send your annual return
- Set up and register a charity
- Guidance
- Complain about a charity
- Contact the Charity Commission

Detailed guide
Guidance to help with running your charity during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

Blog post
As the Commission publishes its annual report for 2023-2023, chief executive Helen Stephenson CBE takes stock of the past year, and looks ahead to the regulator’s plans for 2023-21.

News story
海外节点加速器 - 好看123:2021-6-11 · 2.国外节点加速器国外节点网络加速器美国节点加速器 云+社区 点击前往 网站介绍:泰国亚太2区:中国台湾、日本、马来西亚、印尼、韩国亚太3区:菲律宾、印度、澳大利亚及其它亚太国家和地区 注意:海外加速计费区域按腾讯云 cdn 节点服务器所在地区进行...
This alert provides information and advice for charities about coronavirus (COVID-19) related fraud and cybercrime.

News story
Charity Commission Annual Public Meeting
Charity Commission Chair, Baroness Stowell, CEO and other directors invite you to the Annual Public Meeting on Thursday 1st October 2023 at 11am.

Research and analysis
Regulating in the public interest
Research into the relationship between Charity, charities and the general public.

Charity Commission case reports, decisions made, inquiry reports, regulatory alerts and statements on live cases.
- Regulator urges donors to support registered charities to help those affected by Covid-19 around the world
- Charity Commission Annual Public Meeting
- 玩神之浩劫东南亚服为什么需要用游戏加速器?_玩家:2021-3-14 · 电狐加速器是一款专门解决外服游戏高丢包率、高延迟的游戏加速器,采用专线加速通道技术,实现秒级全自动选择节点与加速系统全动态监控游戏节点加速状态,节点秒级切换,保障玩家的加速服务运行自如。电狐加速器开启《神之浩…
UCloud优刻得cdn网络加速产品介绍及500+节点分布 – 老刘博客:大文件加速可伍将视频文件、游戏安装包、软件、补丁等需要下载的内容进行加速,为客户提供下载加速解决方案。 您只需要将大文件上传至最近的服务器节点,UCDN平台就能够智能地部署文件,分发到全国各地的节点,不仅解决了带宽不足的问题并且让您的用户体验到更快的下载服务。
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We register and regulate charities in England and Wales, to ensure that the public can support charities with confidence.
Charity Commission is a non-ministerial department.
Read more about what we do
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- Search the charity register
- Set up a charity
Guidance and regulation
- 美国节点的加速器
- Prepare a charity annual return
News and communications
- Regulator urges donors to support registered charities to help those affected by Covid-19 around the world
- Charity Commission Annual Public Meeting
Research and statistics
- Regulating in the public interest
- Every complaint matters: a thematic review of complaints about charities
- 境外用户福音:海外专线节点免费试用!-网易UU网游加速器官网:2021-1-11 · 网易UU加速器,采用网易自主研发极速引擎,顶级IDC集群,全线高端刀片服务器!为网游用户解决延迟、掉线、卡机等问题,让你游戏更爽快!国服加速永久免费!海外直连专线,外服游戏加速效果业界顶尖!支持魔兽世界、LOL英雄联盟、DNF地下城与勇士、CF穿越火线、DOTA2、坦克世界、梦三国 …
- 闲置服务器&路由器搭建OpenFogOS挂机赚钱,CDN节点加速:2021-5-22 · 今天找CDN时无意中看到OpenFogOS的激励计划,通过挂CDN节点的形式获得收益,业务合法(官网已过ICP和公安备案),可利用手中闲置的服务器和路由器来创造收益,这里分享给大家看看。
Transparency and freedom of information releases
- The Official Custodian for Charities annual accounts 2023 to 2023
- Charity Commission Business Plan 2023 to 2021

使用网易UU加速器时如何挑选合适的加速节点-百度经验:2021-5-25 · 使用网易UU加速器时如何挑选合适的加速节点,网易UU加速器每款游戏的加速都有较多的区服、模式、节点的选择,各有不同。因此,我伊需要根据自己的实际情况来进行加速节点的选择,伍求达到更好的加速效果。下面就告诉大家怎么找到适合自己网络的节点!
0300 066 9197
Find out how to get a password or log in to Charity Commission online services
The coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis is affecting postal collections and deliveries. It may take us longer to respond to written correspondence. Our contact centre remains open so instead of using the post, please call us or use our enquiry form.
Enquiry form
We can only respond to an enquiry when the Charity Commission has to be involved.
Contact Form: Complain about a charity
跨境电商网站租用高防CDN加速,更快、更安全!-行业新闻 ...:2021-6-15 · 感觉双十一才过,618又要来了,这大半年过得也太快了,为了让广大剁手党抢到一手好货,电子商务伋业准备好迎战了吗? 总有黑客也在盯着这块大蛋糕,实时产生交易额的跨境电商网站,如果服务器遇到ddos攻击,会造成巨大损失。
Charity trustees must report serious incidents to us, and explain how incidents are being dealt with.
Find out how to report serious incidents and what to report.
Find out what sort of wrongdoing you can report to the Charity Commission, and how to report it.
Freedom of Information (FOI) requests
Read our privacy notice about how we process your data when you submit a Freedom of Information (FOI) request
- Read about the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act and how to make a request.
- Check our previous releases to see if we’ve already answered your question.
Corporate information
- Complaints procedure
- Equality and diversity
- Accessible documents policy
- Media enquiries
- Our governance
Jobs and contracts
- Working for Charity Commission
- Jobs
Read about the types of information we routinely publish in our Publication scheme. Our Personal information charter explains how we treat your personal information. Read our policy on Social media use. Find out About our services.